Saturday, July 5, 2014

Some Life Updates

Here is a daily, catching-up-on-life post :)

I have completed 9/20 of the Kettlebell Challenge workouts that I wrote about here. I wish I could say it's gotten easier, but not really!! It is definitely a butt-kicking workout. But I am feeling stronger and leaner. My arms looks great and my legs pretty strong. I am now able to complete the first two circuits with the 30 lb kettlebell and on the last three circuits I use a 25 lb. KB for the 50-rep set. I'm not as sore after the workouts either, though my hamstrings still get pretty tight. I have noticed that my yoga recovery sessions feel better! My legs seem stronger, so I like that benefit :) Only eleven workouts left then I get to decide what my next workout phase will be (though you can bet I'll have a few KB swings in there!) Oh, and I forgot to mention that I have started to time the workout and have been competing each circuit in six minutes. It's enough time to complete the KB swing reps, plus 2, 4 & 6 reps of a different exercise between sets. Then I have 20-30 seconds rest between sets and then about 1.5 minutes between circuits.

Maple is settling in so well!! Here are some pictures from the other day when I made a small playscape for her on the couch out of cardboard and a shoebox.

She was a little scared when I unfolded the towel..

Wondering what I was doing by sitting her up on the lettuce in front of the cardboard.

"I'm not sure how I feel about this..."

Caught her with a pepper in her mouth while hiding in the shoe box!

And I found out last night she loves cuddling in old tshirts.

I am still waiting to determine whether Maple is pregnant or not. We have only had her for ten days so there is still plenty of time to figure it out, but I want to know because if she is, then Judah and I are not going to get her playmate. If she isn't though, I want to get her a friend so she is not lonely! The other day she wheeked for the first time! For those of you not familiar with guinea pigs, this is wheeking:
It's how a guinea pig says "Feed me! I'm hungry and I know food is coming, but you're taking too long!" She did this when I rustled the lettuce bag in the fridge. She didn't do it at all around Judah yesterday, but today when I went to eat a cookie, and the plastic bag made a similar sound, she wheeked again. So clearly, she trusts me more than Judah ;P

My new favorite song has been updated:

I've been hearing it on the radio for a couple weeks now and about halfway through I think, "wow this is a great song" and finally I looked it up. Cute song :)

Go see the new Transformers movie, Age of Extinction, if you like action and comedy!! It was AMAZING. I won't spoil the movie for you, but it had the best plot line out of all four movies and Mark Wahlberg is fantastic. He was refreshing after Shia LeBouf, because as much as I admire Shia, his character always seemed to be hyper and all over the place. Wahlberg was much more calm, collected, and bad@$$ :D Here is a preview if you haven't seen one yet:

Hope everyone had a fantastic 4th of July yesterday! Judah and I went to see Transformers in the afternoon and caught a front row seat at the town fireworks show last night. We arrived literally just in time for them to start.

He hates when I want to take pictures of us :P I'm getting ready for a fun night with friends. I'm going to make pizza again and they're bringing the makings for s'mores :D

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