About Me

My name is Shelby! I married the love of my life, Judah, on June 14, 2014.  I'm enthusiastic about fitness, health, and baking ;D 

I graduated from Quinnipiac University with a degree in Sports Medicine/Athletic Training. I received my national certification and became licensed in the state of Texas. I spent two years working as the Assistant Athletic Trainer at a 4A high school in East Texas while pursuing my Master's online in Wellness and Lifestyle Management from Rowan University. 

Health and wellness is not only a professional hobby, but a personal one. I run competitively on and off, having completed a half marathon, 15 K, and several 5Ks, but I run simply just to run. I also love to weight train and make it a priority to lift three-four days per week. I have a passion (though not necessarily the patience!) for yoga and overall look to maintain balance in my fitness routine.

My philosophy concerning wellness is a whole body approach and creating lifestyle changes. Any advice I share on here will be about implementing long-term changes for better life. Diet and fitness fads come and go; unless you make changes you can sustain for the rest of your life, you won't see great, lifelong success. 

Despite my health and wellness background, always see your doctor considering medical advice. This blog expresses my thoughts and opinions, not necessarily professional advice. I am a strong advocate for having a general practitioner and seeking medical advice from other healthcare professionals as appropriate. 

I also love to bake and cook. I'm most definitely better at baking than I am cooking, but I will share tons of recipes with you in my blog. I wish I could say I was creative enough to create my own favorites, but I will lead you to original postings from others who have that creative edge. I spend a lot of time home alone, so I'm sure there will be plenty of Pinterest projects shared on here too, providing you with plenty advice or what to do or what not to do!

I hope you walk away with something you can use in your daily life :D

<3 Shelby

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