Saturday, August 23, 2014

Coffee Date

I'm trying not to nap at only 10 am so I figured I'd have a coffee date with all of you! And by coffee date, you can drink the coffee and I'll sip water :D

I mentioned about two weeks ago that maybe I should try drinking more caffeine? Yeah.. that didn't go so well. I had a full cup of coffee one morning and didn't sleep well at all that night. But I have found if I have less than 1/2 a cup, it's just enough caffeine to perk me up, but not enough to have the detrimental long lasting side effects. It's just right. :)

Life lately...

Judah started his new job last week. We didn't have to move, which was great. Given the circumstances, we are very happy and thankful for what we have. There's been a lot of rain so he has had a few days off, which is both great and not so great. We love the extra time together, but we are trying to save up and pay for the truck we are getting next weekend. I fly up to WI on Wednesday because I need to go with his dad to get the title to the new truck and I need to get my new license :D Judah will fly up on Sunday because his best friend is going to Afghanistan on October 1st and this is Judah's only chance to see him. And then we will drive the truck back together to WV on Monday. It will be quite the weekend for Judah! But totally worth it in the end I am sure :)

I am really excited to finally get my new license. Sadly WI mails out their licenses so I really won't get it for another two or three weeks, but at least the paperwork will be done and I simply need to wait for it to mail to my in-laws house and then they can send it to me. I finally figured out the bank information too so those new cards should be arriving, along with new checks and then other than my passport, everything will be updated :D That has been the toughest part about getting married and living out of state. Judah and I are still trying to figure out our health insurance information so that's a mess, but we have a few months before it becomes an issue.

The McNuggets are doing great! They are doubled in size and are starting to get little bellies. They're so cute.

They are finally eating produce. They try to pull food away from Maple and I think they're crazy for that. She is violent when she eats, but they still try and she steals it right back. And Cocoa loves to hide in the hay when she eats, as you can see. She is by far my favorite, although Judah told me I'm not allowed to say that, but it's true. She has such a sweet personality and she's cuddly. I haven't been able to get a picture yet, but she has one ear that folds down (how we can tell her apart from Brownie) and the other one sticks up and she looks funny. I know I am going to miss them next week when I am gone for six days :(

Other than that... not much else has been going on. My mom has been doing well with her treatments. She was losing a lot of her hair so she chose to shave it all off. I haven't double checked with her, but I think she has about two more months of chemo, but she has finished radiation therapy. It's all in God's hands.

Hopefully if I get around to it, I will do a review of the movie "God's Not Dead", which Judah and I watched this week, and the book "90 Minutes in Heaven", which my friend Caiti recommended to me. Both were great and I highly encourage you to watch/read them!

Well I am going to go eat a snack and then probably nap because I am still tired :P Have a great weekend :D

1 comment:

  1. You? Tired? I didn't think that I'd ever hear that one. OTOH, I'm glad to see you relax and enjoy the scenery. Thanks for the mention. Other than a little bit of edema in my ankles (which should go away as my body acclimates), I'm doing fantastic. And, yes, I'm very comfortable without any hair. In fact, I think it's time Sinead O'Conner made a return... LOL! Love t you and Judah!

