Thursday, August 7, 2014

My First Recipe!

I'm pretty excited because today is Judah's last day on this job and hopefully he will be home a few hours early :D He doesn't start the next job until Monday so that means three day weekend!! We don't have any big plans since three days isn't really enough time to go anywhere, but it'll be nice just to have the three days together. He hasn't had that much time off since the wedding. :)

And sadly no, still no guinea pig babies :( I was sort of hoping she would have them last night/this morning since I had to wash her bedding yesterday, but nope, nothing. I did catch a cute pic of her sleeping yesterday afternoon... such a cutie!! I cannot wait to meet her little ones :D

So on to my first original recipe! Last weekend Judah and I had made the decision to buy a Sam's Club membership, but we had to wait until Sunday to go so on Saturday we were very, very low on food in the house! Taking a peek around the kitchen I had a lot of half used items that needed to be finished off. I combined them all to make a surprisingly delicious, easy meal for dinner...

Spinach Baked Pasta Dish
     15 oz. ricotta cheese
     1 cup mozzarella cheese, plus extra for topping
     1/4 cup parmesan cheese
     ~8 oz. frozen spinach, thawed and drained
     1 egg
     1 tbsp italian seasoning
     salt and pepper to taste
     1/2 jar spaghetti sauce (ideal for leftover sauce!)
     1/2 pound pasta, cooked

Simply combine all the ingredients while the pasta is cooking. Rinse the pasta in cold water to cool it off and stir in the cheesy sauce mixture. Place in a greased 13x9 pan and top with mozzarella cheese. Cover with aluminum foil and bake for 25 minutes at 350 degrees. Remove the foil and let bake for 5 mores minutes. Serve and enjoy!

So although my ingenuity wasn't super impressive (it matches pretty much any lasagna recipe you can find) and I will admit it looks pretty gross before baking with the spinach mixed in and the pale red appearance from the sauce, it tastes GREAT! Start to finish this recipe took me 70 minutes. You can easily put together the recipe a night ahead of time or in the morning and then simply pop it in the oven when you get home from work!

I was so excited after we went to Sam's Club the next morning:

They didn't have everything I wanted to get, but this certainly stocked our pantry pretty well!

Readers: What's your go-to recipe when you have a lot of half used items in the fridge?

1 comment:

  1. This where I get creative - Today was shopping day. Here goes- this tine of the year I use only fresh
    in season veggies. We don't eat meat a little chicken a lot of seafood. Today I cleaned the fridge. In a dutch oven I tomatoes, cabbage, celery, onions, leeks, carrots, eggplant, yellow quash,cauliflower,
    mushrooms and tofu. I like this hot or cold. I shop every week as we eat so much fresh food. I also
    buy only fresh fruit. Come fall I buy What is fresh and supplement with frozen, The only canned goods I buy are beans, tomatoes( to make sauce etc.).I use fresh spinach all year round as it is my favorite veggie, next to mushrooms. Whenever I find the frig getting too full, I whip out the dutch oven and begin to chop. Love to you both----Nana
