Friday, August 1, 2014

It's August!

Is anyone else blown away by the fact that August is officially here? Most of my athletic training friends are preparing for football season either next week or the week after! College will be back in session soon, as will primary schools. Wow! Where did summer go? This is the first year in twenty years that August/September doesn't signify a new "year" for me. That's a weird feeling...!

Anyways... I'm not sure if I mentioned this in a previous post, but Judah and I will be staying in our current location through December/January. He signs on to a new job the week after next. Thankfully it is close enough that we won't need to move and his commute to work isn't much different, it only changes direction. That's definitely a blessing since we love this house and are in a pretty good location concerning we still don't have a second vehicle. That should come at the end of this month or next :)

In other news, we are still on baby watch!

Maple has become extremely territorial though and she lays down constantly, so I am expecting babies very very soon. And praying that it goes well for mommy and babies :) As you can see in the pictures her fleece camo arrived earlier this week :D she seems to really enjoy it and clean up is soooo much easier for me. I see it as a win-win.

On the "working front", I had a conversation with the director of the Christian Sports Medicine Alliance, an incredible Christian-based organization that does mission work around the world and domestically, all through the avenue of sports medicine. We discussed my strengths, which I believe to be writing and teaching. I love educating others and I feel I put my best foot forward when I write. This is why I tend to favor email versus phone calls and why I am enjoying this blog.

The director explained that CSMA has two-three pages of space in Christian Sports Today magazine and they need someone who could contribute articles. *pick me!!!* So I am starting to construct my first article and then I may get my work published on a monthly basis :D That'd be exciting and would provide me with samples I could submit to other magazines and maybe spread my reach :) I'll be sure to share my first published piece. And no, it doesn't seem that my articles need to have a Christian twist to them, rather my articles are sports medicine related. My first article will be on concussions since we are going to be amid football season soon enough.

Anyone else excited that NFL is literally right around the corner?? Me too. I LOVE watching the games.

Also, I discussed opportunities with the CSMA director taking more initiative in WV as a liaison for CSMA. I emailed the President of WV's Athletic Training Association to ask how I could help out. He replied back stating that WV still has to tackle the issue of licensure. What does that mean, you ask? Before I graduated college I took a written exam and became national certified as an Athletic Trainer. So I can call myself a Certified Athletic Trainer. However, most states require that you have a license to prove you are in fact able to perform the duties of an Athletic Trainer. For Texas, I had to prove I graduated from an AT program and that I had my national certification. There are typically two or three ways to earn licensure, it varies state to state. However WV does not have this license so anyone can call themselves an Athletic Trainer. Hopefully you can see where the problem is with that! He also said that he would pass my resume along to other Association members to see where else I could be used.

I am excited because something that most AT's lack is time. But I have lots of it on my hands! So I'm praying that God has ways that He will use me these next few months :) I'm also happy that these are all Athletic Training-related endeavors, so although I may not be earning a paycheck, I am keeping my foot in the door of AT and building my resume for when I do return to work!

Keep your eyes out tomorrow for a fitness related post, giving the update of what workouts I have been up to lately :)

Happy Friday everyone!

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